Cosimo Rosselli
Italian (Florentine), 1439-1507
1480 is considered to be about the Madonna and Child with Angels, preserved at the Metropolitan Museum of New York , which shows clear references to the painting of Andrea del Verrocchio . In the spring of 1481 Rosselli was invited by Pope Sixtus IV in Rome for the decoration of the Sistine Chapel next to Pietro Perugino , Domenico Ghirlandaio , Sandro Botticelli. It was Rosselli, out of ignorance or laziness, to use soprammissioni 'with the finest ultramarine blues and of other bright colors' and gold highlights. Rosselli created the three panels of the descent from Mount Sinai , with the inscription PROMULGATIO LEGIS Scripte FOR MOISEM. Moses , kneeling, receiving the plates; Featured Moses was wroth against his people worshiping the golden calf, punishes the idolaters and breaks the Tablets of the Law, receiving new; the other box is the Sermon on the Mount and the healing of the leper , and finally the fresco of the ' Last Supper , with windows beyond the three episodes of the Passion: Agony in the Garden, capture and crucifixion.
He returned to Florence in 1482 created the table devoted to Corbinelli chapel, dedicated to St. Thomas , in the basilica of the Holy Spirit . Of this period are also a number of boards designed to Florentine churches and the fresco in the Chapel of the Miracle of the Sacrament in St. Ambrose , depicting the Miracle of the Eucharist ( in 1485 - the 1,486th ) and mentioned by Vasari as his best work in Florence . Painting with force and one of the least conventional of his works, presents portraits of the characters of Marsilio Ficino , Pico della Mirandola and Poliziano , set right in the middle of the square. In those years he also went to Pisa , where joined by Benozzo Gozzoli in the completion of the frescoes in the Monumental Cemetery .
Person TypeIndividual
Italian (Umbrian), c. 1370-1427
Italian (Venetian), 1696-1770
Italian (Florentine), mid-15th century
Italian (Florentine), 1484-1525